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Hidden Skills You Learn In The Ninja Kidz Home Learning Program!

The Ninja Kidz Home Learning Program has quickly become a go to for in home learning and exercise for kids all over the globe! The main skills you learn are pretty obvious... Martial Arts skills, Tumbling skills, Flexibility, and Strength exercises. These are all very important in the physical development of children, teens, and adults. We all know that with at least just 30 minutes a day you can improve these skills. These skills are obvious and are the main focus of the program.

But what else do you learn in the Ninja Kidz Home Learning Program?

Videography Skills:

Do to the nature of the program, students learn from hands on experience doing basic videography work. Whether it is through the Live Zoom Classes, or recording a skill to submit to your own skill chart, Videography is one of the amazing hidden skills that one learns through our Ninja classes.

Why is this so important?

It is becoming more and more clear the value of having just basic Videography skills. With the world heading towards a more digital age, it is important to keep up with modern forms of communication and self promotion. It is clear that this skill is continuously growing in value in many ways. Whether it's starting your own Youtube Channel, marketing your own business, or a fun hobby to pass the time, Videography is one of the awesome hidden skills you get to practice and learn in the Ninja Kidz Home Learning Program.


This one is almost more of a virtue than a skill, but still is just as important! With online classes students are becoming more reliant on there own ability to learn and adapt. Evolving from in-person, hands on training, students learn to have self-reliance to work on these skills. Though our coaching staff and the Ninja Kidz are excellent verbal instructors, it is still up to the student to work on and improve on their skills. Students are able to use our Live classes to get live corrections, and are able to use our skill chart to review skills and continue to work on them and improve on themselves. This sort of self-reliance is rarely taught in many educational systems.

Why is it so important?

This one might be more obvious why it is important than others... Self-reliance is something that everyone must learn in order to grow into a successful lifestyle.

Basic Computer Skills:

It is pretty clear that basic computer skills is a necessity for our future generations. Our Ninja Students don't become master coders or anything like that. However, our students do get basic exposure to common computer skills needed in what seems like everyday life. This is learned in the Ninja Kidz Home Learning Program by utilizing our skill charts, learning basic uploading and downloading skills, Url linking, or even identifying common internet issues.

Why is it so important?

Basic computer and problem solving skills are invaluable. Almost every profession currently requires some sort of computer skills and understanding. The way technology is advancing, this will not change any time soon. In fact, these basic computer problem-solving skills are becoming more and more necessary. Though, we do not encourage our students to spend long amounts of time in front of a glaring screen, it is still clear that a basic understanding is necessary. Our students learn Basic Computer Skills while also getting their daily dose of exercise! This is a double WIN!

These Hidden Skills that are learned directly and indirectly through the Ninja Kidz Home Learning Program are an AWESOME BONUS to also working on fun Ninja Skills and exercise! These are just some of the amazing benefits to enrolling into the program and becoming a Ninja Kidz Member.

Make sure to check out the program and enroll HERE! You can now have a 1 month FREE TRIAL of the program.


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